Friday, December 3, 2010

7 faces of the pr crystal: Communication theses

You always know what your company is busy by. What it makes, how it works, what is its business model, and you see your product in night dreams. Next step - we have a mission. Maybe we even have created the Big Brand Idea. So we've got the brand, the price, the audience and the information field that lead us to our customers.
But there are already thousands of the other brands. Other companies, other facts, other offers. And nobody notices your news.
Or there maybe another version - you've got the customer, you told him your news, he nodded and went away. And bought another product or took another service. Sad.
What was wrong in two this cases? You chose wrong words to deliver your message. In fact, there are always something that your product/company wants to say to be sold. And there are always a few words that your customer wants to hear to buy. Something like a spell ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

7 faces of the pr crystal: Target Audiences

Their majesties Target Audiences. People, most of whom  you'll never see, hear or ever call by name. What do you know about them? What do you know about their life? Can you imagine your product in their kitchen, or bath, or bedroom? Do you see your boss among the list of people who are interesting for your audience?
I can ask you a thousand more questions about your audience, but the main thing I'm trying to say is that you are to know your audience in every single communication. A letter you send, a phone-call you make, a banner you draw, an article you write - rise your eyes up and see the man who will read/see/hear it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

7 faces of the pr-crystal: Information field

So, here it is, our Information field. Let's try to divide in blocks and sides to stop shocking and begin working.
You have your working place, first of all. And you have your company/client, who generates information every day. Here you are responsible for filtering that information and making the decision - what is actual and important, what is waste, what is closed and so on. Of course, you can ask somebody about that. At first time you'll have to. But there will come some Magic Day when you'll have to decide it yourself and for your own responsibility. And from that day there will be no way back.
Where's the clue to solve the choice problem here? Actually, it's just in front of you. Yes, I mean it - the calculator. In fact, everything is 'calculatable'.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7 faces of the pr-crystal: Profession choice

1.    Profession choice. Please, don’t tell me you are unhappy to be in PR. The world is so large and free – try to find yourself somewhere else. Actually, the main reason of creative problems, that meets young specialists after 1-2 years of active work, is that the profession choice was made in wrong way. Why do they come to PR or AD? Cause it’s ‘cool’. Cause it promises full self-realization, eternity of creativity, clean like a tear and wide like Pacific.

7 faces of the pr-crystal

Two weeks ago I’ve made the master-class for MSU (MGU) students. The theme  was "Responsibility of pr-specialist." Could I put 10 years of journalism and public relations into 2 lecture hours? Ok, I did that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Speaking about communications in Russia

This autumn I've made the presentation for the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus (CCBLR) in Brussels.
The meeting was rather interesting - I was really surprised by strong interest of European business to Russian market.
As it is told in press-release of our Belgian partners Newton-21 communication group, "an overview of the Russian communication market, its trends, legal environment and communication tools were all covered in a presentation that provided the audience with the essential knowledge required to establish one’s business abroad".

And all the event was held prior to the economic mission  leaded by the Prince of Belgium to Russia that will take place in April 2011.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi everybody

Thank you for coming.
I am Natalia Gurova, professional PR-manager. So my blog is about PR in its theory and practical solutions. I try to update the "PR Strategies Blog" a couple times a week. Stay tuned :)