Monday, November 1, 2010

7 faces of the pr-crystal: Information field

So, here it is, our Information field. Let's try to divide in blocks and sides to stop shocking and begin working.
You have your working place, first of all. And you have your company/client, who generates information every day. Here you are responsible for filtering that information and making the decision - what is actual and important, what is waste, what is closed and so on. Of course, you can ask somebody about that. At first time you'll have to. But there will come some Magic Day when you'll have to decide it yourself and for your own responsibility. And from that day there will be no way back.
Where's the clue to solve the choice problem here? Actually, it's just in front of you. Yes, I mean it - the calculator. In fact, everything is 'calculatable'.

  • One cloudy evening, when I was young journalist of the news department of some newspaper, I've got the problem - which of the two articles should I put into the news column? And my first chief-editor said: "Count the people these news are important for. Choose the most result and no doubt". 
  • That was the time of the crisis of 1998, by the way. And one of my colleagues once was crying in the smoking room, speaking about that she just "can't write about that there are no food in the shops". She was thinking about the consequences of her article.
This two examples taught me two important things: to count the audience and to forecast the results. As PR is a little more specialized news flow, we are first to filter the information, generated by our company/client. We are to compare the number of the target groups of audience that would be interested or concerned by our information. That brings us news. Second step is to understand 'what they'll think' and  'what they'll say'. That leads us to the news priorities.
Now we come to media. If your choice and forecasting was right, they will like your news. If not, then try to ask them what will be interesting for them. Many PR-managers and even top-managers turns back and leave after the first negative contact with journalists. That's a big mistake. I mean Big. Because 1) journalists are the same humans like other people, and 2) they really now, how you are to talk with them to make your news better. They can teach you. You can get new knowledge about your job. So try to stay positive and go on.
Partners. Use the same way of filtering information for them, from them and about them. Remember - you are to promote your company, your client, your boss. Not them (although they are very important). You have your own tasks and your own responsibility.
The day after tomorrow I am to finish a 3-years communication strategy for the large metallurgical company. So we'll meet later to speak about what does PR-specialist present in public relations. See you soon.

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